Каталог документов

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СТАТЬЯ. Self-assembly of mixed systems based on nonionic and carbamate-bearing cationic surfactants as a tool for fabrication of biocompatible nanocontainers
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
СТАТЬЯ. Carbamate-bearing surfactants as effective adjuvants promoted the penetration of the herbicide into the plant
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
СТАТЬЯ. Mixed Micellar Solutions of Hexadecylpiperidinium Surfactants and Tween 80: Aggregation Behavior and Solubilizing Propertie
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
СТАТЬЯ. Soft nanocarriers for new poorly soluble conjugate of pteridine and benzimidazole: Synthesis and cytotoxic activity against tumor cells
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
СТАТЬЯ. Novel cationic surfactants with cleavable carbamate fragment: Tunable morphological behavior, solubilization of hydrophobic drugs and cellular uptake study
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021

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