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СТАТЬЯ. Mixed systems based on the cationic surfactant with a butyl carbamate fragment and nonionic surfactant Tween 80: Aggregation behavior and solubilization properties
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
СТАТЬЯ. Novel cationic surfactants with cleavable carbamate fragment: Tunable morphological behavior, solubilization of hydrophobic drugs and cellular uptake study
Рушана Кушназарова 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
ОТЧЕТ по научным исследованиям за 2 курс, 2 семестр обучения

  Амерханова Сюмбеля Камилевна ОТЧЕТ по научным исследованиям за 2 курс, 2 семестр обучения   Направление подготовки 06.06.01 Биологические науки … Читать далееОТЧЕТ по научным исследованиям за 2 курс, 2 семестр обучения

Амерханова (Гумерова) Сюмбеля Камилевна 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
Modulation of aggregation behavior, antimicrobial properties and catalytic activity of piperidinium surfactants by modifying their head group with a polar fragment

Modulation of aggregation behavior, antimicrobial properties andcatalytic activity of piperidinium surfactants by modifying their headgroup with a polar fragmentRushana A. … Читать далееModulation of aggregation behavior, antimicrobial properties and catalytic activity of piperidinium surfactants by modifying their head group with a polar fragment

Амерханова (Гумерова) Сюмбеля Камилевна 12.07.2021 12.07.2021
Polymer–Colloid Complexes Based on Cationic Imidazolium Amphiphile, Polyacrylic Acid and DNA Decamer

Polymer–Colloid Complexes Based on Cationic ImidazoliumAmphiphile, Polyacrylic Acid and DNA DecamerDarya A. Kuznetsova 1 , Dinar R. Gabdrakhmanov 1, Denis … Читать далееPolymer–Colloid Complexes Based on Cationic Imidazolium Amphiphile, Polyacrylic Acid and DNA Decamer

Амерханова (Гумерова) Сюмбеля Камилевна 12.07.2021 12.07.2021

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