Исламов Бахтияр Рамилевич


Участие в конференциях

1.      I All-Russian Conference «Fundamental Glycobiology»
2.      III All-Russian Conference «Fundamental Glycobiology»
3.      IV All-Russian Conference «Fundamental Glycobiology»

Участие в грантах

Russian Foundation of Basic Research
14-04-01750 А The functioning of the systems of hormonal regulation of plants in the development of bacteriosis caused by pectobacteria. (2014-2016)
15-04-02380 А Alternative strategies for the adaptation of bacteria to starvation. (2015-2017)
18-34-00794 моl_а Features of the structure and properties of mucus polysaccharides — a key component of the initial stages of the ontogenesis of flax plants. (2018-2019)

МК-2191.2017.4 Pectobacteria exopolysaccharides: production regulation and role in the formation of the pathogen-host system (2017-2018)


Gorshkov V., Islamov B., Mikshina P., Petrova O., Burygin G., Sigida E., Shashkov A., Daminova A., Ageeva M., Idiyatullin B., Salnikov V., Zuev Y.,Gorshkova T., Gogolev Y. Pectobacterium atrosepticum exopolysaccharides: identification, molecular structure, formation under stress and in planta conditions // Glycobiology. − 2017. − Vol. 27(11). − P. 1016-1026. https://academic.oup.com/glycob/articleabstract/27/11/1016/4067691?redirectedFrom=fulltext;(2017) doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwx069

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Исламов Бахтияр Рамилевич

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